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Selection Process

A high-quality curriculum for Xavier Jesuit Academy  is necessary for providing students with rigorous and engaging academic instruction. Curriculum for XJA was chosen based on a comprehensive review process. To be considered as a high-quality curriculum option for XJA, the following must be met:

  • Be aligned with Ohio’s State Standards and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Graded Course of Study
  • Provide teachers with instructional materials that include daily lesson plans, a yearlong scope and sequence, hands-on activities, and a variety of ways for students to meaningfully engage with the content.
  • Allow teachers to efficiently and effectively monitor and regularly assess student progress by collecting and analyzing meaningful student achievement data
  • Achieve student growth that is on pace with/exceeds grade level expectations
  • Provide structured supports, accommodations, and methods of accelerating the learning of students who are not at grade level

Each curricula was assessed based on the following factors:

  • Alignment with State Standards and the Cincinnati Archdiocese Graded Course of Study
  • Daily lesson structure
  • Teacher planning supports
  • Assessment tools
  • Methods to differentiate and accelerate learning
  • Interventions for students below grade level (math only)
  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Use of manipulatives/labs/hands-on activities
  • Professional development/educator support
  • Strategies and materials provided to involve families
  • Resources included (print, digital, etc.)


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