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Xavier Jesuit Academy

Groundbreaking Event for Xavier Jesuit Academy Campus, September 13, 2023

Leadership team, community partners, and contractors are marking the beginning of the campus construction by holding shovels and wearing helmets in front of the former St. Agnes Elementary School

The groundbreaking event for what will be the only faith-based, scholarship-funded elementary school (grades 3-8) in Bond Hill was held on Wednesday, September 13 at the former St. Agnes School site on the Church of the Resurrection campus. 

When it opens in the fall of 2024, the newly renovated school will provide a unique and proven education model, called the Jesuit Nativity education model, with smaller class sizes designed to engage and encourage young men from economically challenged communities during their formative years. 

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The Academy will provide a solid core curriculum focused on reading, language arts,
mathematics, science, and social studies. The new school will also feature an extended day
model providing intentional programming for students with fun engaging options that complement the core academic curriculum.

“The Xavier Jesuit Academy will focus on breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty by
providing a meaningful life path of education, employment, and adulthood for young males from low-income communities,” says Fr. Nathan Wendt, SJ, president of XJA. “Jesuits are proud to be associated with Xavier University, St. Xavier High School, and, now, the Xavier Jesuit Academy. We are proud that 65.6% of the $9.2 million renovation costs will be spent with minority suppliers.”

Xavier Jesuit Academy will begin accepting applications for the 2024/25 in October 2023. Ohio Ed/Choice Scholarships and private donors will cover the tuition costs.

#Speakers include Mike Keating, Chair of the XJA Board; Fr. Nathan Wendt, SJ, President of XJA; Alicia Reece, Hamilton County Commission President; Jacque Edmerson, President of the Bond Hill Community Council; Sam Burchenal, XJA Board member and representative of the Burchenal Family (major benefactors); Jim Watkins, President, TriVersity Construction. Two graduates of the former St. Agnes Elementary School, Bill Mack ‘58 and Nor-rita Conner Winters ‘70 will assist in the groundbreaking ceremony representing all St. Agnes graduates.

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